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Saturday, June 14, 2014

How To: Create nth level of Folders in SharePoint document library programmatically c#

Create nth level of folders creation in SharePoint document library:  

Requirement:  Recently I have got one requirements i.e. create 2 levels of folder creation in the SharePoint document library means create a root folder and sub folder inside it.

Solution: I started development to support 2 levels of folder creation but I thought later on what to do if users may come back with 3 levels of folder creation. For that reason I have developed to support up to nth level folder creation.

e.g.: Folder creation levels
Level 1: /Document library/ Folder/
Level2:  /Document library/ Folder/Sub Folder/
Level3:  /Document library/ Folder/Sub Folder/Sub Folder/
Nth level:  /Document library/ Folder/Sub Folder/Sub Folder/..................../ nth sub folder

Approach: Check whether Folder exists or not
This approach will check for that “Folder exists” condition: if not create a root folder in the document library and nth level of sub folders in it.
Level1: Check for folder exists; if not create a root folder and nth sub folders in it.
Level2: If Root Folder exists; check for sub folder exists if not create a sub folder in root folder and nth sub folders in it.
Level3: If sub folder exists; Check for sub sub folder exists if not create a sub sub folder and nth sub folders in it.
Up to Nth level.

Below code satisfy all of the above conditions:

string targetLoc="/DocLibName/FolderName/SubFolderName/"

#region "Method: FolderCreation

        private void CreateFolder(string siteURL, string targetLoc)
            string[] folderCnt = targetLoc.Split('/');
            DOCUMENT_LIBRARY = folderCnt[0];
            string folderURL = string.Empty;
            string docURL = siteURL + "/" + DOCUMENT_LIBRARY;

                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL))
                    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                        SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(DOCUMENT_LIBRARY);
                        string url = list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl;
                        for (int i = 1; i < folderCnt.Count(); i++)
                            folderURL = docURL += "/" + folderCnt[i];
       //Check whether folder exists
                            if (!web.GetFolder(folderURL).Exists)
    //Create nth level sub folders
                                CreateSubFolders(folderCnt, list, url, i);
                                url += "/" + folderCnt[i];

                            _foldersPath += folderCnt[i] + "/";
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void CreateSubFolders(string[] folderCnt, SPList list, string folderURL, int j)
            SPListItem newFolder = null;
            string url = folderURL;
            for (int i = j; i < folderCnt.Count(); i++)
                newFolder = list.AddItem(url, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, folderCnt[i]);
                url += "/" + folderCnt[i];

        #endregion "Method: CreateFolders

Please let me if faced any issues while using the above my approach and kindly provide me yours valuable suggestions and feedbacks.


  1. This is a great post, thank you for sharing! would you mind providing dev software requirements as well? also what should I add as a reference? I'm getting errors on SPList

  2. I am starter C# on SharePoit 2010/2013

    How should I start the code?

    Should I include?
    What class should I use?

    Can you give an example?

  3. I am starter C# on SharePoit 2010/2013

    How should I start the code?

    Should I include?
    What class should I use?

    Can you give an example?
